Beverly Hunter/Jumper Winter Show Series p/b Salamander - Winter Premiere III

Join us for Beverly Equestrian's Hunter/Jumper Winter Show Series - now recognized by both VHSA and BHSA - presented by The Salamander Collection.
🐴❄️ We’ve heard your feedback and are excited to introduce Friday Schooling (February 21) before our next Beverly Winter Hunter/Jumper Show on February 22!
While we are unable to host a full two-day show, we recognize the importance of additional schooling opportunities. That’s why we’re offering an exclusive Friday afternoon schooling session from 2:30-5:30 PM in the show ring. The course will be set, giving you and your horse the perfect chance to familiarize yourselves before show day: Friday Before the Show, 2:30-5:30pm
📝 Note that you must pick up a number before schooling in the ring. Text In-Gate at 703-606-7541 if you are coming to school so that we can be ready for you.
✅ Schooling Fee: $35 per horse
🏡 Stabling Available: Limited 8-stall barn spots for Friday night – $65 per stall from Friday afternoon until Saturday afternoon.
💸 Refund Policy Update
To make it easier for you to plan:
• Scratches the Thursday ONE week before the show (February 13 for February 22 Show) will be refunded without an office fee.
• Standard refund policy applies after February 14.
Spring Series Dates:
☑️ March 15, 2025
☑️ April 26, 2025
☑️ May 17, 2025
• $25 per hunter class, $70 per division;
• $35 per equitation class;
• $35 per jumper class (divisions available at 2’ and above - 2 classes);
• $35 one time post entry fee for entries/supporting documentation received after closing.
Entries must be submitted electronically through Strider Pro prior to the show otherwise a mandatory $35 paper/post-entry office fee will apply.
🟥 Required Fields for Complete Entries- To Receive A Back # 🟥:
--Rider Name, Horse Owner Name, If Junior Rider + Birthdate, If Pony S/M/L, Coggins, signed Beverly Release
Attach your Coggins/signed Beverly release to entry on Strider platform. Strider allows payment by credit card, Venmo, and Paypal. Entries received after 10pm on the Thursday before the show are subject to a mandatory $35 paper/post-entry office fee.
Plans change—adjusting your entry is simple! You are welcome to add classes on the day of the show with NO CHANGE FEES as long as you register online through Strider by the closing date (Thursday before each show). Here's how:
📧 Access Your Entry: Use the link in your confirmation email or log into your Rider Area.
🖊️ Edit Your Entry: Click the ✏️ pencil icon to make changes.
✅ Add or deselect classes by clicking the checkboxes in the “Selections” tile.
💵 Strider instantly recalculates your balance. Pay any new fees or apply credits with ease. NO CHANGE FEES FOR CHANGING ONLINE.
You do not need to tell the show secretary prior to the show about class changes; all changes after initial registration can be given to the in gate. Any additional class fees can be settled up on the day of the show by check, cash, Venmo, or Zelle. No credit cards are accepted at the show.
With Beverly's hi-speed internet you can drive your own entry process and SKIP THE LINE at the show secretary. #simplifywithstrider
If you cannot make it, let the show secretary know. Refunds will be granted for scratches before the closing date (Thursday before each show) less a $50 office fee; otherwise, the show will maintain a credit on file for the full amount of the entry (less late fees) for use at another show within a year.
Refunds for classes cancelled outside of management's control (e.g., weather, judge's decision, etc.) will be granted in management's discretion. Show manager reserves the right to combine or cancel classes if there are insufficient entries.
The rings are open for schooling up until 15 minutes before the start of the show. A number is required. For INDOOR ONLY shows, an additional schooling break will occur after the conclusion of the the jumpers and before hunters. Additional schooling breaks may be provided in the discretion of management. There is no lunging in the competition or schooling rings.
VHSA and BHSA points will be awarded to current members only pursuant to each association's rules. Membership Forms are available from the show secretary.
VHSA (classes indicated with a *) and BHSA (class indicated with a +) rules and division specifications apply.
Points for Champion/Reserve will use VHSA and BHSA rules:
No. Exh. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
3 -5 10 6 4 2 1 0.5
6 – 9 11 7 5 3 2 1.5
>10 12 8 6 4 3 2.5
Champion: 10 points
Reserve: 6 points
Noncompeting horses register as such on our Strider platform and pay the $40 non-compete horse fee. It is important that we have a release and a coggins on file for every horse on the property. Again, we appreciate your understanding as bio security and safety is our top concern.
All information about the schooling rounds including course maps, tentative schedule, and entry numbers by class be accessed on the Competitor sub tab of the Show page on our website: www.beverlyequestrian.com/competitors.
Class and schedule information is made available after Thursday and may be updated if additional entries are received up until the morning of the show.
Please check our Facebook and Instagram platforms for updates. We do not have set ride times but do post updates on how the rings are running throughout the day on our social media platforms.
All show parking is in the parking paddock immediately upon entering the grounds. This parking area is for all cars, trailers, and visitors to the farm. There is no general or show parking in the courtyard by the main barn. Contact the show secretary for special situations.
* Indicates VHSA recognized class
+ Indicates BHSA recognized class
California Warm Up: Not Judged. Each horse and Rider combination may participate in ONE warm-up class at each show. At management’s discretion, this class may be discontinued at any time. Riders must let the starter know upon entering the ring if the round is a warm-up. All warm ups are COURSE B.
Hunter Pleasure Pony: Open to ponies ridden by Juniors. This division may only be combined with the Adult Hunter Pleasure Horse and/or the Junior Hunter Pleasure Horse.
Adult Hunter Pleasure Horse: Open to horses ridden by Adult Amateurs or Professionals. Horses may cross enter into another Pleasure Division at the same show.
Junior Hunter Pleasure Horse: Open to horses ridden by Juniors.
Equitation on the Flat: Open to Juniors and Adult Amateurs. May be split into Juniors 14 and under, Juniors 15-17, and Adult Amateur.
Short Stirrup Hunter: Open to Junior riders only. Judged as a Hunter division. Riders may cross enter into pleasure only. Fences 18’. Short Stirrup riders, ponies, and horses may only cross enter into Junior Equitation on the Flat and Pleasure Pony or Pleasure Horse. Short Stirrup riders must enter at least one over fences class if an under saddle class is entered.
Long Stirrup Equitation: Open to riders 13 years and older as of Dec. 1 of the current show year. Riders may not cross enter into classes with jumps higher than 18”. Courses may be trotted.
Student Equitation Division: Open to riders in their 1st or 2nd year of showing 2 ́ or higher. Courses may be trotted.
Low Hunter: Open to horses and ponies. No restrictions on riders. This division may be combined with Limit Hunter.
Limit Rider Hunter: Open to horses/ponies ridden by Juniors/Adult Amateurs. Riders may not cross enter into any class with fences 2’6” or higher. Horses and ponies may cross enter. This division may be combined with Low Hunter.
Children's Hunter: Open to horses ridden by Juniors. This division may only be combined with the Adult Amateur Division. Minimum Jump height is 2’6”.
Adult Amateur Hunter: Open to horses and ponies not ridden in a Pony Division ridden by Adult Amateurs. This division may only be combined with the Children's Hunter Division. Minimum Jump height is 2’6”.
Thoroughbred Hunter: Open to registered Thoroughbreds and horses eligible to be registered with The Jockey Club. Fences 2’6”. No restriction on riders. Thoroughbred Hunter may only be combined with the Working Hunter and/or Green Hunter.
Green Hunter: Open to horses in their 1st or 2nd year of showing over fences 2’6” or higher. Fences 2’6” or 2’9”. This division may only be combined with Thoroughbred Hunter and/or Working Hunter.
Working Hunter: Open to all horses, and ponies not entered in a Pony Division. This division may only be combined with Thoroughbred Hunter and/or Green Hunter Horse. Fences 2’6”, 2’9”, or 3’. *Entries must jump a minimum height of 2’9 for BHSA points to count.
* Indicates VHSA recognized class
+ Indicates BHSA recognized class
JO indicates USEF Table II.2b (timed 1st jump off or “jump off”). The first round must be completed without time or speed faults ("clear"). In such a case, the rider proceeds to a jump off round without leaving the ring once the judge sounds the start buzzer.
p indicates USEF Table II.c (“power and speed”). The course is split into two sections as noted on the course map. If the rider completes the first section without time or speed faults ("clear"), the rider proceeds immediately to the next section without stopping. In the case a rider is not clear, the judge will sound the buzzer signaling the rider to stop and leave the arena.
f indicates USEF Table II.1 (timed 1st round or “fastest clear”). The rider's score for the round is calculated by adding the speed and time faults together. Riders with clear rounds or with an equal number of faults are pinned according to the fastest time by fault (no fault rounds pinned together, then one-fault rounds, then two-fault rounds, and so on).
Poles: All fastest clear.
Cross Rails (18"): All fastest clear.
Puddle Jumpers (2'-2'3"): F or P option; entered in division if both completed, first score counts for placing.
Novice Jumper (2'3"-2'6"): F or P option; entered in division if both completed, first score counts for placing. Novice Jumper (2'6"-3'): F or P option; entered in division if both completed, first score counts for placing.
Low Jumper (2'9"): F or JO option; entered in division if both completed, first score counts for placing.
TB Jumper (2'9"): F or JO option; entered in division if both completed, first score counts for placing.
Low Jumper (3'): F or JO option; entered in division if both completed, first score counts for placing.
Schooling (3'3"): F or JO option; entered in division if both completed, first score counts for placing.
Modified (3'6", 3'9", 4'): All fastest clear.
Puddle Jumper: Open to horses and ponies. Horses, ponies and riders may only cross enter into any class not exceeding 3’ if otherwise eligible.
Novice Jumper: Open to horses and ponies in their 1st or 2nd year of showing in Jumper classes at 2’6” or higher as of Dec. 1st of the current show year. Horses and ponies in this division may only cross enter Novice Children’s/Adult Amateur Jumper if the rider is eligible, TB Jumper and Low Jumper and any other class not exceeding 3’.
Novice Children’s/Adult Amateur Jumper: Open horses and ponies ridden by Children and Adult Amateurs in their 1st or2nd year of showing in Jumper classes at 2’6” or higher as of Dec. 1st of the current show year. Riders may only cross-enter Novice Jumper, if mount is eligible, TB Jumper and Low Jumper, and any other class not exceeding 3’. Novice Children's/Adult Amateur Jumper and Novice Jumper classes may be combined.
Low Jumper: No restriction on horses/ponies or riders. May be combined with TB Jumper.
Thoroughbred Jumper: Open to registered Thoroughbreds and those eligible to be registered with The Jockey Club. May be combined with Low Jumper.
Children’s/Adult Amateur Jumper: Open to horses and ponies ridden by juniors and adult amateurs. May be combined with Schooling and/or Modified Jumper.
Schooling, Modified Jumpers: No restriction on horses/ponies or riders. May be combined with Child/AA Jumper.
Beverly’s Equestrian Center was designed and built to provide excellent all-weather year-round training facilities and professional-level horse care together with consistent client support and training for the busy rider. Beverly supports riders pursuing an education in English riding, including hunter/jumper, equitation and eventing, as well as Polo.
To learn more about Beverly Equestrian, visit our website at http://beverlyequestrian.com.
Organizer Notes
Show Management Rules
1. All riders must wear ASTM/SEI approved helmets while mounted.
2. A Beverly Release must be signed by each rider/exhibitor (and his or her parent or legal guardian if under the age of 18) and other related participants prior to participating in any activity or riding at Beverly.
3. Current negative Coggins on all horses on the show grounds must be presented to the show secretary.
4. Payment must be left with the show secretary before numbers are given out.
5. NO DOGS. We love dogs but please leave them at home.
6. Show Management will not tolerate hostile or unsportsmanlike behavior.
7. Items left on show grounds will be kept for a limited time before given away or thrown out. Please be sure to get all personal items before leaving shows.
8. All riders/exhibitors (including parents and legal guardians if under the age of 18), owners, trainers, their agents, and other related Participants will be held responsible for any damage to the Show grounds, jumps, rails/poles, and/or Beverly property.
9. No one or horse is allowed to walk the grounds outside of the show area. No one is allowed to touch resident horses or go inside the main barn.
10. All classes can be moved, canceled, split, or combined at the option of Show Management.
11. Anyone disqualified may be found ineligible for ribbons or prizes.
12. Ribbons or prizes must be picked up at show office on show days or by appointment.
14. All horses must satisfy non-competing horse requirements, including paying a non-compete fee and having a negative coggins within 12 months.
15. Show Management reserves the right to refuse entries before or during the show without liability or compensation.
The management is not liable for any injury to person or horse or loss of any personal property at any time.
100. California Warm Up (Unjudged Round) in Hunter Ring Only
1. *+Pony Pleasure - Walk/Trot
2. *+Pony Pleasure - Go as You Please
3. *+Pony Pleasure - Walk/Trot/Canter
103. Pony Pleasure Division
4. *+Junior Hunter Pleasure Horse Walk/Trot
5. *+Junior Hunter Pleasure Go As You Please
6. *+Junior Hunter Pleasure - Walk/Trot/Canter
106. *+Junior Hunter Pleasure Division
7. *+Senior Hunter Pleasure Horse - Walk/Trot
8. *+Senior Hunter Pleasure Go As You Please
9. *+Senior Hunter Pleasure Walk/Trot/Canter
109. Senior Hunter Pleasure Division
10. *+Junior Equitation on the Flat 14yo & under
11. *+Junior Equitation on the Flat 15-17yo
12. *+Adult Equitation on the Flat
13. *Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences - 18" - Course A
14. *Short Stirrup Hunter Over Fences - 18" - Course B Fences - 2’-2’3” - Course B
15. *Short Stirrup Hunter Under Saddle
110. Short Stirrup Hunter Division
16. +Long Stirrup Eq. - W/T
17. +Long Stirrup Eq. - W/T/C
18. +Long Stirrup Eq. - O/F 18”
115. +Long Stirrup Eq. Division
19. +Student Equitation – W/T
20. +Student Equitation – W/T/C
21. +Student Equitation – 2'
121. +Student Equitation Division
22. +Low Hunter Over Fences - 2'-2’3” Course A
23. +Low Hunter Over Fences - 2'-2’3”- Course B
24. +Low Hunter Under Saddle
124. Low Hunter Division
25.+Limit Hunter Over Fences - 2'-2’3” - Course A
26. +Limit Hunter Over Fences - 2'-2’3”- Course B
27. +Limit Hunter Under Saddle
127. Limit Hunter Division
28. +*Child/Adult Hunter Over Fences - 2'6" or 3”– Course A
29. +*Child/Adult Hunter Over Fences - 2'6" or 3” - Course B
30. +*Child/Adult Hunter Under Saddle
130. Child/Adult Hunter Division
31. +*Thoroughbred Hunter Over Fences –2’6”- Course A
32. +*Thoroughbred Hunter Over Fences - 2’6”- Course B
33. +*Thoroughbred Hunter Under Saddle
133. Thoroughbred Hunter Division
34. +*Green Hunter –2’6” or 2’9” - Course A
35. +*Green Hunter –2’6” or 2’9” - Course B
36. +*Green Hunter US
136. Green Hunter Division
37. +*Working Hunter –2’6” or 2’9” - Course A
38. +*Working Hunter –2’6” or 2’9” - Course B*Working Hunter US
39. +*Working Hunter US
139. Working Hunter Division
50. Open Poles -f
51. Open Cross Rails 18” - f
52. +Puddle Jumper 2’-2’3” - p
53. +Puddle Jumper 2’-2’3” - p
54. +* Novice Jumper 2’3”– 2’6”
55. +* Novice Child/Adult Amateur Jumper 2’3”– 2’6” - JO
56. +*Novice Jumper 2’6”-3’ - f
57. +*Novice Child/Adult Amateur 2’6” -3’ - JO
58. +*Low Jumper 2’9” - JO
59. +*Low Jumper 2’9” - JO
60. +*Thoroughbred Jumper 2’9” -JO
61. +* Thoroughbred Jumper 2’9” -f
62. +*Low Jumper 3’ - f
63. *Child/Adult Amateur Jumper 3’ -f
64. +*Schooling Jumper 3’3” -f
65. +*Schooling Jumper 3’3” -JO
66. +*Modified Jumper 3’6”- f
67. +*Modified Jumper 3’9” -f
68. +*Modified Jumper 4’ -f
1000. Friday Schooling (per horse)
- Late Fee$35.00
- Non-Compete Horse$40.00
- Full Stabling$65.00
- Refund fee$50.00
Administrative Information
Ride Time: Check out Facebook & Instagram pages for updates. There is also a lot of information on our website: www.beverlyequestrian.com/shows
Trailer Direction: The entrance to the farm is from Zulla Road, at approximately 3515 Zulla Road. After turning onto Beverly Lane, follow the drive to the right through the stone pillars. After passing through the stone pillars, turn right to go through the double gate to trailer parking in the paddock. This parking is for all cars, trailers, and visitors. There is a short 5 minute walk from the trailer parking to the indoor and outdoor arenas.
Please note that there is no entrance from Milestone Road.Change Policy: Changes are permitted before registration closes.
Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER