Stephen Bradley Cross Country Clinic

Join Stephen Bradley for cross-country schooling at Loch Moy Farm, home of The Maryland Horse Trials. This clinic will be held on the DERBY course, which has jumps ranging in levels from Elementary all the way through Intermediate including water, ditches and banks for all levels. This is the perfect opportunity to get a lesson from one of our area's best on one of our area's only all-weather cross-country courses AT A DISCOUNTED SCHOOLING RATE!.
When training with Stephen, you can be confident that you will receive expert instruction for your level of riding. As an Olympian, Rolex and Burghley champion, and accomplished 5* eventer, Stephen has a wealth of experience training horses and riders. To learn more about Stephen, visit: https://stephensbradley.com/
- Closing date is 4 days prior to the clinic date
- Late entires will be considered on a case-by-case basis, with an additional $15 late fee.
- If the weather is inappropriate for the original date , we will first try to move to the next day (the Sunday of each weekend). If If that date is also bad, we will simply cancel, in which case riders can choose to either move their entry to a different Winter Derby Clinic date or receive a full refund minus a $15 office fee.
- Waivers and coggins must be uploaded directly to the MDHT website!
Organizer Notes
Remember that you "own" your lesson slot. So if you're not able to come you're responsible for either filling the slot or paying for it. I will of course make my best effort to fill it, but I can't make any guarantees.
1 Day Clinic Instructor: Stephen Bradley
Day Audit
- Refund fee$15.00
Administrative Information
Ride Time: Riders will be emailed times 3 days prior to the clinic.
Trailer Direction: Park in main lot across from secretary.
Change Policy: Changes are permitted before registration closes.
Refund Policy: Refunds are permitted before registration closes.
Entry Option(s)
Secure Spot: Pay in full via STRIDER